Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tips for Slow Pitch Softball Teams Traveling Abroad Internationally

Tips for Slow Pitch Softball Teams Traveling Abroad Internationally

Quick and Easy Tips for Slow Pitch Softball Teams that travel to play Internationally (and Domestically too!)

Now that you have started competing in ISPS events and you want to start traveling to some of these exotic places that ISPS host events at, you want to be as prepared as possible for the competition as well as the country (or state) you are traveling to.

Whether traveling to another state or to a whole different country, here are some quick tips to get you that much ahead of the competition:

1. PASSPORTS (International Travel)

Do I need a passport?  Find out if you actually need a passport or not to travel.  Places like Puerto Rico do not ask for a passport when traveling from the US as they are a US territory.  

Make copies of your passport and leave them at home or with a trusted friend or close family member as well as store one digitally and email it to yourself for quick reference in case you actually lose it while traveling.  You want to try and make it as easy as possible for customs to look you up and not further delay you getting back home after losing it.

Make sure your passport is valid.  If you don't have a passport APPLY HERE: https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports/information/apply-early.html

And DON'T FORGET your passport!  You'll be needing it to check-in at the airport.  You don't want to have to miss your flight or get charged a cancellation fee or cancel your whole trip because you left your passport.


Have a quick check up with your doctor before leaving on your trip to double check on all your vaccinations and you renew any important prescriptions.

Check with your medical insurance company if you are covered in any emergencies outside of your home area and/or while traveling.

If by any chance you are not covered, you may want to ask about supplement insurance while you travel.  Better safe than sorry.

For more information on Health Concerns in the area you are traveling to please visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO)


Find out the conversion rate ahead of time to avoid running into any surprises.

Check if the country or territory you are traveling to have any fees when you come in or out of the county or territory.

Call your credit card companies and make certain that your cards work in the area you will be traveling to.  Also, let them know that you will be traveling and where to.  Last thing you want is for them to think there is some sort of strange activity or fraud going on in your account and they deactivate your card because of your transactions in the Dominican Republic.

Have local CASH just in case.

Use a Bank or ATM to exchange money.  Avoid higher exchange rates at airport and seaport currency exchange centers.  Banks and ATMs use the up to the second conversion rates and have little to no fees compare to the currency exchange centers.


Find Travel-books and Guidebooks about the area you are visiting.  Find travel apps for your devices.  Download them and learn about interesting finds and stories you may have missed otherwise.

Check out the events calendar for local events going on while you're in town to feel like a local.  Many countries celebrate different festivals and town parties.  Don't be afraid and check them out!  Who knows, you could find yourself eliminated early from the tournament and have nothing else to do.  Go live like a local for a few days.


Download a few travel apps and check them out before you leave.  Delete or Uninstall the ones you don't like and viola!.... you have a handy travel guide in your pocket!

Don't leave the charger adapter!  Many countries use different converters and voltage, make sure you bring the right adapter for the region you are traveling to.  

Contact your phone provider to activate your service in the area you are traveling to.  Even if it's expensive if you use it, you never know when an emergency may occur.  At least have one emergency phone in the group/team and make sure your loved one at home have it too, just in case.


Chances are you and your teammates have lots luggage due to equipment, uniforms, and of course bathing suits, consider investing in a team bag.  Like this everyone can put their large equipment and keep a smaller checked bag or none at all and keep everything else in a carry-on.  With just one big team bag it will come out cheaper per player to chip in for the one checked team bag.

Use the luggage wrapping stations for your checked luggage.  Yes they may still go into your checked luggage if they see something suspicious, but most wrapping services include luggage insurance for those times your team bag goes missing.  It may be difficult to come up with equipment in time, but you can always borrow from another team and when you get back home you can get all that lost equipment replaced.  Keep a detailed inventory of what you are taking in the team bag.

And don't forget the essentials.  Earphones for the on-flight movies and music, neck pillow, a good book and some snacks!  Sometimes the airline pretzels and peanuts get boring.

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